ADV Riding

Your Essential Guide to Adventure Motorcycle Helmets

By Ron Lieback An adventure bike is made to do a little bit of everything. An adventure helmet should do the same. This guide shows you what to look for.       As we head into the 2022 riding season, adventure motorcycles are once again trending at a WOT pace with nearly every manufacturer [...]

Want to Ride Longer? Here’s Your Guide to Aftermarket Adventure Motorcycle Seats

By Ron Lieback Photos by Jon Beck   Looking to ride longer, safer, and happier? Focus on your butt first. This guide to aftermarket adventure motorcycle seats will help.   Sure you want to ride longer. But two things tend to hold you back—bad weather or being uncomfortable. You can’t control weather, but you can [...]

America Strong ADV: Meet the Harley-Davidson Pan America

By Ron Lieback Harley stunned the world when it announced plans to enter the ADV market with its Pan America. Is this bike truly ADV worthy? Yes, it is. And here's why. Think Harley-Davidson, and what’s the first image that comes to mind? For most, the answer is not a super capable adventure touring bike [...]

New Year, New You: 7 ADV Riding Resolutions for 2022

By Ron Lieback Hey adventure riders, looking for a list of resolutions that are specifically designed for you? Check out these seven and ride happier this year. New year, new you. Those words splatter about every communication channel possible throughout January, touting a refocus on health and fitness. Adventure motorcyclists deserve not so commonplace ideas—ideas [...]

Touratech Rally West 2022

Register Now for Touratech Rally West! June 23rd-26th, 2022 in Plain, WA. The Touratech Rally began 12 years ago as a small customer-appreciation weekend that involved riding, camping and sharing good times around the campfire. With this simple formula, and a whole lot of fun, it’s grown into the largest gathering of Adventure Motorcycle enthusiasts [...]

ADV Riding Without A Quality Skid Plate Causes Pain: Here’s Why

By Ron Lieback Bashes happen. It’s all part of the ride. Here’s why you should make a skid plate a necessary upgrade to your ADV ride—a first upgrade hopefully. Your Adventure bike’s most vulnerable section resides at the gut of the engine. For ADV riders, this gut often gets kicked with rocks, stumps, and those [...]

Winter ADV Riding Tips That Will Resolve the Fear

Sick of missing out on adventure riding during the winter? Check out these mindset/bike tips and riding techniques that will keep you safe and smiling. By Ron Lieback For some, the fear of winter riding equates to taking a big-ole BMW GS or any large displacement motorcycle off-road for the first time. The thought of [...]


The Touratech EVO X 'Premium' Pannier System is the toughest, highest quality, and complete luggage system on the market for the Harley-Davidson Pan America.  Not only are these cases built to go the distance in any condition, they are well thought out and provide plenty of storage space while not impeding the rider or passenger's [...]


The Touratech Discovery Soft Luggage System is completely waterproof and the perfect alternative to Zega panniers. The Discovery Luggage System is lightweight and easy to install on just about any dual-sport or adventure motorcycle. The magic of this system is its simplicity. Featuring four compartments, two 25 liter roll-top packsacks and two 7.5 liter external roll-top [...]


At this year’s West Coast Touratech Rally we welcomed the Dork in the Road. You might have seen his adventure riding videos on youtube. He did a popular presentation at the event and is posting video’s following his experiences at the rally. This is part four: The fourth and final day of the 2021 Touratech [...]