The team at Touratech hopes you had a fantastic 2016 and are looking forward to many adventures and epic rides in 2017. We asked our staff what riding “resolutions” they have for the coming year and this is what they said!
Iain Gynn (Chief Riding Officer/Adventure Expert): I’m going to put my 1200 back together.
Matt Willson (Product Line Manager): My new year’s riding resolutions are to spend more time on the trials bike and more (non-work) camping trips on the GS.
Aaron Jennings (Adventure Expert): If the time off approval goes through, I will ride the Trans America Trail in 2017! The hope it to bring my XChallenge to the east coast rally, then ride home from there. If the time is not approved…Ecuador for a fly and ride!
Kimmo Lassila (VP of Sales): I’m going to ride my next BDR; probably the COBDR!
Morgan Goldbloom (Adventure Expert): I’m going do a backflip on someone else’s R1200GS!
Paul Guillien (CEO): Use more front brake, steer with my feet, and spend time in places where my phone doesn’t work.
Eric Archambault (Adventure Expert/Showroom Manager): To finally finish the rebuild on my 1976 Vespa Sprint Veloce.
Beau Sullivan (Order Fulfillment/Stunt Man): Get a new motorcycle
Matt Lewis (Marketing Manager): Ride the grass track at Touratech’s East Coast Rally and beat Iain Glynn in the Slow Race at Touratech Rally West (just kidding).
Luann Lockwood (Returns Manager): I want to ride more…
Kenny Hitchings (Adventure Expert): As much rally scouting as possible.