About ten years ago, I decided to ride around the world. I had no money to do it, but I was desperate to go. So I tried to work random jobs along the way to make it happen. Everyone thought that this was foolish and some even said it out loud. However, when Touratech heard about it, they said: “Cool, we like it!” I was happy about the fact that someone believed in me.
Initially I thought it would take me two, maybe three years, but it took six! A lot has changed since then. My outlook on life, my priorities, the amount of friends I have in the world, a lot of my equipment and now I’m not riding alone anymore.

I have travelled 200,000 km on my bike and 99 countries so far. It feels only fair to me to share some of my experiences. At the end of the day I want as many people as possible to get out there and explore, because I have been having the time of my life!
More stories coming soon from Daniel Rintz (1200GS) & Josephine Flohr (R80GS)
– 2008 Europe, North Africa
– 2009 Middle East, Asia
– 2010 South East Asia, Oceania
– 2014 North America
– 2015 Central America
– 2016 South America
– 2017 Africa

EMAIL – daniel@open-explorers.com
WEB – www.open-explorers.com