Volunteers are needed at Touratech Rally East and Touratech Rally West! These events are a great time and we count on volunteers to help us keep things running smoothly. We need you and here are twelve reasons why you should volunteer at one of the rallies this summer:

12- Help your fellow riders have an awesome time
Without our volunteers, our attendees would be lost! They wouldn’t know where to park, camp, get goodie bags or find food. They need you!!!

11 – Sweet FREE T-shirt
Whether it’s directing traffic, checking in arrivals or answering questions, you’ll do it in this stylish hi-viz volunteer t-shirt that you’ll want to keep forever!

9 – Meet amazing people from all over the place
As a volunteer you’ll probably interact with more attendees than your average rally attendee. Build your list of ride partners around the world!

8 – Burn those pesky calories while working your shifts
It’s going to be summer and it’s going to be warm (hopefully). We promise, you won’t be standing still too much while volunteering. Having said that, we always try to accommodate requests for volunteer roles.

7 – Attend cool presentations
At the Touratech Rally there will be great opportunities for learning. Take advantage of them!!
6 – Unlimited bottled water
Yep. We’ll keep you hydrated while you’re working.

5 – Killer rides
The Touratech Rally has rides available for all skill levels. When your shift is over, hit the trails!

4 –Motorcycles. Lots of motorcycles
It’s an adventure riders dream!

3 – Adventure
At Touratech we’re always about the adventure and we know that if you volunteer at the rally you’ll have stories to share forever.
2 – You’ll get practice, applying sunscreen
Sunscreen. You have to wear it. So slather it on!

1 – You’ll have fun volunteering or your money back!
Of course, as a volunteer you get into the rally free but it’s still an awesome deal!!
Volunteer at the East Coast Rally Here!